Day 79-80: Decision Time…

Day 79-80: Decision Time…

This is a long one… 2 days 5 doctors, 2 nurses and a resident.  Yep it’s been busy.  However, before I write it all up, there are a few disclosures I want to toss out there:

  1. My cancer and diagnosis is not like the cancer and diagnosis of anyone else… and as such, no one has the same cancer situation as I do.  I think it is really important for people to do their own due diligence, my decision is mine solely and not intended to influence anyone else.
  2. If you are a doctor and reading this, please remember you treat a human with a life they likely rather enjoyed prior to the diagnosis – you are not treating a disease but a person.
  3. I have said since the beginning that quality trumps quantity for me personally.

That being said… here we go – Continue reading

Day 10: Surgery consult day!

Day 10: Surgery consult day! This means today will be a two parter with an update this afternoon. Carpet cleaner also comes today. Who knew that getting ready to be sick would be so much work! Thank God for friends and family.

The Bionic WomanI am guessing that we also get the referral to the oncologist today and find out what additional testing they would like done.

Actually woke up dreaming about one of my doctors trying to give me injections. In my dream, he only got through one and I chased him off. LOL. I’ve also had the theme to bionic man going through my head – I’m still adamant about lasers being a feature in the new set. “We can rebuild her. We have the technology. We can make her better than she was. Better, stronger, faster.” (Yes I know I am modifying the six million dollar man quote…. No bionic woman quotes are going through my head…)

Family is here and I am thankful for them. Mom brought everything from farm fresh eggs, to deer burger, farm fresh beef and farm fresh chicken. Then I handed her a pile of books on alkaline diets (I.e. Vegan cooking). She is great though, she is gonna help figure it out. A dear friend has told me that along this journey I will occasionally have to force myself to do things – like eat. They also said, don’t worry this minute, if you’re hungry now, just eat. This is certainly a lot to take in – appetite has definite been up and down!

10 days people. Just 10 days. Mind blowing really.

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