Day 70: You look so good…

Day 70: You look so good…

Since I have been taking my time and doing my research, and because I have not started chemotherapy, I keep getting surprised and slightly confused looks from people followed by, “Wow!  You look so good!”

Truth is, physically I feel great!  I am running, hiking, working, the fog from surgery and post operative prescriptions has cleared from my mind.  My energy is high and for the most part on most nights, I am sleeping well.  Of course this makes considering conventional treatment as an option very difficult for me.

I do have a prescription for lymphatic massage and physical therapy for range of motion, I need to call the insurance company to see about moving forward with that – yeah – that is conventional treatment I can get behind!!  🙂

One thought on “Day 70: You look so good…

  1. Paulette says:

    The lymphatic massage is so important. Once you learn how to do it, you do not have to go back to the therapist.


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